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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I have a mix of 4G/3G/2G and CatM1/NB1 in my login to the portal?

We can support all cellular technologies but Vodafone is presently running separate portals depending upon the technology.

It is split as:

  • Portal 1 including 4G (being Cat 1 and above speeds), 3G and 2G
  • Portal 2 being CatM1/NB1/2G

So if you are running different products over the two technologies then you will have to have two separate logins and accounts to the GDSP.

This also means 2 separates APNs.

What APN settings should I use?
  • 4G/3G/2G :
  • CatM1/N1/2G :
What is an FQDN?

‘Fully Qualified Domain Name’ but this explains it better than we can

Do I need an FQDN?

Yes you do, as part of your establishment fee you get 1 FQDN that we “whitelist” on the GDSP. This means the SIM cards registered to you can only connect by first going through your FQDN. Think of your FQDN as the door which you have the only key, once the door is unlocked and opened your data can go wherever you choose for it to go.

This is important as it protects you, someone can’t go and take your SIM out of your device and then put into another device and start clocking up massive data charges watching youtube or Netflix for example!

Can I have more than one FQDN?

Yes you can but generally it is lower cost to have just one and sub list fixed or dynamic IP addresses under it. Each subsequent FQDN whitelisted will cost NZ$299/A$299 as there is a limit of FQDNs we can register on an APN build so honestly we discourage it.

Can I change my FQDN?

Yes it can be changed/effectively overwritten, but this should be done with the full understanding that any devices currently connected to this FQDN will need to be updated with the new FQDN. So please be careful!

What is the MOQ for chip SIM?

At this time there is an MOQ of 1Kpcs/reel and we have to order from Vodafone on 8-10 week lead time.

How is Data Usage billed?
  • For CatM1/NB-IOT usage is billed at agreed data allowance per month per SIM.
    eg 100KB, 250KB, 500KB, 1MB.  Once data reaches over the agreed tariff then overage per KB is charged. It is important to select the correct tariff as selecting a 250kB tariff and using 500KB will be more expensive than just ordering the 500KB tariff, In fact using 400KB on a 250kB tariff might be more expensive than using a 500KB tariff to begin with
  • For 4G/3G/2G usage is billed on a per MB basis on a monthly basis. Once the data usage boundary is crossed it jumps to the next tariff.

Prices will be clearly stated in the supply agreement

What state will my SIM ship in?

All SIMs will be supplied in an Active Test mode. They need to be activated on the Portal. here are the typical states a SIM can be in and the meaning of that state:

SIMs can be in the following states:

  • Inactive: means the SIM is not recognised by the Network and therefore incapable of communication;
  • Active Test: means the SIM is recognised by Network, is capable of communication for a specified duration or data volume, but not subject to billing;
  • Active Ready: means the SIM is recognised by the Network and will transition to Active Live on the first Data Session;
  • Active Live: means the SIM is recognised by Network and is capable of communication;
  • Active Suspend: means the SIM is recognised by the Network but incapable of communication until manually set to Active Live;
  • Active Standby: means the SIM is recognised by the Network but incapable of communication until automatically set to Active Live on the first Data Session;
  • Active Sleep: means the SIM is removed from the Network following 2 months in Active Suspend state;
  • In-active Stopped: means the SIM is incapable of communication and will automatically be transitioned to Terminated after a 1 month period. During the 1 month period the SIM can be reactivated; and
  • Terminated: means the SIM has been permanently removed from the Network, will not be capable of communication and cannot be reactivated again.
Do you offer a pooled plan for the SIMs?

At present our data plans are per SIM per month and not pooled.

Should I choose Cat 1 or CatM1/NB1 for my product design?

Great question, it depends on many variables

  • What amount of data will you be sending?
  • Is your product stationary or moving?
  • Is power consumption critical – battery vs mains/solar powered
  • How many times will the product wake up to send data or will it be online all the time?

And there could be other questions to consider as well.

Whilst  a CatM1/NB-IOT module is lower cost from a hardware perspective once the data gets above 1MB/month then the costs of connectivity become quickly much higher compared to an LTE module. So it could be in just a few months your connectivity costs gobble up your module cost savings. Its important to consider both the CAPEX and project OPEX when costing your product.

Lets talk about your project in more detail so we can ensure you use the right technology for your use case.

Can I test before I send my product out into the field?

Yes you can. The SIM can be transitioned through several states both forwards and backwards over its life.

SIMS will come in Active Test Status

Active Test state means that, on the earlier of the SIM using 100KB of data or 3 months, the SIM will move automatically into Active Ready. On the next Data Session the SIM will then move automatically into Active Live.

What types of SIM card are provided?
  • We can provide standard plastic SIM cards in 2FF/3FF/4FF for all technologies.
  • Industrial cards are available in 2FF/3FF only
  • Chip SIMs are also available for all network types but subject to 1K/reel batches

For more details CLICK HERE.

Can I use Voice?
  • NB-IOT does not support voice. There is no plan to do so
  • Cat-M1 has optional Voice Over LTE (VoLTE) but please check with us about support in the country you plan to operate to get the latest update on the availability. Generally if you need voice you should use LTE Cat 1 or above.
  • 4G/3G/2G – it is possible. We can offer a customised quotation based on your usage conditions


Do you support SMS?

Yes on 2G/3G/4G only.


Mobile Terminating Charge per SMS, AND Mobile Terminating (wakeup) Charge per SMS are fixed charge irrespective of the network Tier, and they are a few cents each.


However for Mobile Originating Charge per SMS (ie SMS from the device back) the charges are dependent upon the network tier the device is currently connected/roaming on. These network tier charges are clearly documented in your Agreement.

Is their a limit on Monthly Data Sessions?

If the quantity of monthly Data Sessions exceeds the volumes indicated below on a per SIM, per month basis, Vodafone reserves the right to charge a fee of AUD/NZ$0.04 for every additional 10 sessions.


Bundle Size Number of sessions per MB, per SIM, per month
100 Up to 10


IMPORTANT NOTE – Remember on 4G you can use Power Saving Mode and so remain connected to the network and thus reducing the number of sessions and therefore overcoming this restriction. But PSM is not available for 3G and 2G connections.

On what networks can I operate?

Vodafone has an extensive list of its own networks, and operator agreements with carriers in most countries around the world.

It has price structures dependent upon the agreement

An extensive list of these can be found HERE

The costs of each network tier are available upon request as part of the agreement. If you would like a quote for a specific country please let us know.


What is LPWA, CAT-M1, LTE-M, NB-IOT, NB1, NB2 and so on?

We can understand the question! So we have put together a page all about it in more detail HERE.

What networks will the SIMs work on?

At present Vodafone has rolled out network across 17 countries using NB-IOT and in some regions CAT-M1.

It is expected more regions will include Cat-M1 in the future

Furthermore Vodafone is working to sign co-operative agreements with other mobile network operators in countries it does not operate.

The first is AT&T in the USA.

New Zealand NB-IoT  and LTE-M (CAT-M1)
The Netherlands NB-IoT and LTE-M (CAT-M1)
Australia NB-IoT
Czech Republic NB-IoT
Germany NB-IoT
Greece NB-IoT
Hungary NB-IoT
Ireland NB-IoT
Italy NB-IoT
Malta NB-IoT
Portugal NB-IoT
Spain NB-IoT
South Africa NB-IoT
Turkey NB-IoT
United Kingdom NB-IoT
United States (AT&Tonly) NB-IoT and LTE-M (Cat M1)
Ukraine NB-IOT


It should be noted that Vodafone reserves the right to modify the Networks and/or the Network Tiers they are associated with for commercial or regulatory reasons (including without limit where it enters into new roaming agreements and/or terminates existing roaming agreements). This is beyond Glyn’s control.


Is NB-IoT different from 2/3/4G?

Yes. Packet data services over NB-IoT are functionally comparable to those over other mobile technologies but with a couple of differences:

  • Restriction in Real-World Internet Access: The hardware enables only UDP transport over IP and the destination IP is typically not a real world one. This enables better security for the devices and users.
  • Works with devices that go to sleep, as is often the case in IoT: The PDP connections over NB-IoT can remain in place with an IP address still assigned to the device even when the device is asleep. In this situation packet sent towards the device will simply be discarded by the network.
What is a data Session?

Data Sessions are measured on a 1KB basis and rounded up to the nearest KB. For a small number of Connected Networks this may vary but Vodafone will pass on the rounding from the Connected Network provider.

Data used in a session can only be registered once the session has been terminated. It will only be available to view shortly thereafter.

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