AI Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Glyn is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the personal information we collect
and process. This AI Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, storage,
and sharing of information when using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies within our business
operations. This policy complies with the privacy laws of New Zealand and Australia, including the
Privacy Act 2020 (NZ) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (AU).

2. Information Classification

Information data is classified including but not limited to the following categories:

1.1. Personal Information: Information that identifies an individual, such as names, addresses,
phone numbers, age, and other personal contact details.
1.2. Personal Sensitive Information: Information that requires a higher level of protection under
the law, including but not limited to:

• Health information
• Racial or ethnic origin
• Political opinions
• Religious or philosophical beliefs
• Sexual orientation
• Criminal history

1.3. Business Sensitive Information: Information that requires a higher level of protection under
non-disclosure agreements, including but not limited to:

• Pricelists
• Project registrations
• Patents
• Intellectual property
• Product keys
• Software development codes
• SQL databases
• Financial information (e.g.: bank accounts, credit card information)
• Usernames and passwords

3. Information We Can Include

When utilising AI technologies, we can include the following types of information:

3.1. Anonymised Data: Data that has been stripped of personally identifiable information to
protect individual privacy. 

E.g.: CVs with any personal information or sensitive information (Sections 1.1 and 1.2) removed
before uploading into AI platforms.

3.2. Operational Data: Non-sensitive business data that supports operational processes and

E.g.: Backorder report with commercial conditions excluded (pricing, special registration costs,

3.3. Customer Interactions: Information related to customer queries, feedback, and interactions,
provided it is anonymised, or consent is obtained.

E.g.: customer feedback or survey results with no personal or sensitive information (Sections
1.1 and 1.2).

4. Information We Cannot Include

Our commitment to protecting sensitive information means it is not allowed to include the
following types of information in any AI technologies unless explicit written consent is obtained
or it is anonymised:

4.1. Sensitive Personal Information: as mentioned in Section 1.1 and 1.2
4.2. Financial Information: Bank account details, credit card numbers, and other financial data.
4.3. Confidential or Sensitive Business Information: as mentioned in Section 1.3.

5. Meeting Recordings and Transcriptions

To ensure compliance with this policy:

• Copilot is our approved platform for transcribing and recording meetings. Any other thirdparty app is not allowed without prior written permission from Glyn management.

• Before using Copilot to record or transcribe a meeting (internal or external attendees), the
meeting facilitator must inform all participants and obtain their verbal consent. After getting
the consent, recording can start, and meeting facilitator must mention a quick statement
saying that the recording was allowed by all the participants.

6. Changes to This Policy

We may update this AI Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on our
website, and we will notify individuals of significant changes through email or other
communication channels as deemed appropriate.

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